Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Trying to anyway. At least I'm starting to feel like I'm actually healing. Still swollen, still starving, but hopefully healing. Things at the dentist went great. Pills knocked me out good, so the worst of it was the numbing shot into the roof of my mouth. Extraction ended up being routine, instead of surgical which was good. And I didn't need a root canal, but I did lose a lot of the tooth, so I still have to get a crown. Have the temporary right now, get the permanent in two weeks. Post dentist, things were a little rougher. Mom came to sort of watch over me since Josh had a show that night. My bleeding seemed to have stopped, I ate some pudding and ice cream and Mom and I watched movies. I fell asleep and then Mom woke me up to discover I had bled all over my shirt and hand in my sleep. Not good. Guess I'd lost my blood clot somehow in my sleep, which really upset me. Back to square one with more gauze. Bleeding finally stopped Saturday night. So, hopefully since I haven't had any intense pain yet I have been able to avoid the dreaded dry socket. No straws, no spitting, no booze, no real chewing. Rinsing with salt water after every thing I eat or drink, besides water itself. Don't know what else I could do, so it better be good enough. Can't believe I have to do this two more times!

I can't even begin to express how hungry I am! I'm going to make a list of all the things I want to eat once I can actually chew again. Top of the list is meat. So craving protein, since I'm stuck with the applesauce, pudding and ice cream. And of course mashed potatoes, my every night dinner for now. But I see meatloaf, burgers, and barbacoa in my distant future.


Steph said...

love you! you're doing great! I've been wanting to call or email but wasn't sure just how up to it you'd be.

miss you :)

Holly said...

I choose to believe me watching (and enjoying!) Pride & Prejudice had magical healing powers.

Anonymous said...

you poor thing! i hope you feel better. i pray that the dry sockets stay away. those are super painful!!

Anonymous said...

you might try chomping down on a wet warm teabag. When I got my wisdom teeth removed it helped me out alot.

Jenny said...

I hope you feel better soon!


Michelle said...

hope you are feeling better soon. i agree with holly, pride & prejudice always makes me feel better! = )

Nicci said...

If you're craving some protein...I ate small bites of scrambled eggs when I got my wisdom teeth taken out.