Haven't done a real Weekend Roundup in ages, so how's about I do one now?
-Work, blech
-Stop by store on way home for dinner supplies
-Read and watch TV, waiting for Josh to get home
-Change into our warm jammies
-Make big tray of bean & cheese nachos
-Nacho Pajama Party, commence!
-Watch Eddie Izzard dvd over nachos, chips, salsa, guac and beers
-Hit the hay
-Sleep in a little bit
-Shower and get ready
-Hit Target for Rylee's birthday present
-Hit traffic on the way to Rylee's party
-Birthday party it up, love on Hadley & Logan a bunch, visit with parents of party-goers
-Home for a short rest
-Stop by office to print design
-Elite Tattoo Gallery for my Beatles tattoo!
-Back by the house to grab some brews
-Hang at Matt & Ashley's, eat Mexican food, have funtimes
-Home, clean tattoo, go to bed
-Sleep in
-Coffee in bed, thanks to Josh
-Clean tattoo
-Get ready
-Grocery shopping
-Lunch of Greek salad, cuban panini, and rugelach- super ethnic!
-Fall asleep watching TV in bedroom
-Shower and clean tattoo
-Watch a couple of docs on the Documentary Channel
-Make nachos
-Watch White Christmas
-Fall asleep watching some Simpsons
*Excuse the lack of make-up, pic taken with phone after I was all ready for bed*
Monday, November 22, 2010
Weekend Roundup
Friday, November 19, 2010
EmilyStyle Schools Me
My blog-pal Emily, over at EmilyStyle, created one of her awesome What To Wear posts to teach me how to incorporate more tights into my wardrobe. I'm looking forward to using her examples to spice up my fall & winter style! Check out her great advice here.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
This Is a Raid
So very busy, all of the time, it seems. This past weekend I went out and had a fabulous time Friday night for my pal Holly's birthday. The Levon Helm show the night before that was fantastic too. Then, the rest of my weekend can be more or less summed up with Network. I have a paper due tomorrow, analyzing several scenes from that movie. I ended up watching it THREE full times, plus re-watching several scenes. I guess if I'm being honest, there were also quite a lot of potato chips involved in the weekend too. But snacking was the easiest meal when I'm stuck in full movie mode.
I'm registered for my classes for next semester now. I'm taking Comp II, History 1302, U.S. Government, and my next batch of developmental math- Intermediate Algebra. My current math teacher, whom we all really like, is only teaching one class next semester. I changed my whole schedule just so I could stick with him, so it better be worth it, ha. Instead of the Tuesdays and Thursdays I've been doing this semester, it'll be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I'll be at school an hour later too, but I start an hour later, so there's some pay-off there. I'm just going to need to be more rigorous on keeping my work hours up due to this change. My math class has a great vibe, and hopefully some of the other students are going to be continuing with Dr. Stewart as well, so maybe that'll carry over to next semester. Plus, he's the VP of Teaching & Learning Services on our campus, and got his Masters and Doctorate from the university I'm hoping to transfer to- hello, recommendation letter.
The semester is coming to a close; I finish up in just one month. Naturally, I can barely keep up with all the ideas I have for my free time over winter break. And naturally, there won't be nearly as much as I think there will be, ha. I've got a few frames arriving today from Pottery Barn so I can finally make some progress on putting family photos up in our hallway. And I'm hoping to clear out the freezer, and then restock it with a lot of casseroles and the like for next semester. Of course there's the obligatory Christmas shopping, decorating, and 3 family celebrations. Also, probably absurdly, hoping to push a reset button on my health. I haven't been exercising lately, and my eating habits have definitely gone downhill (see potato chips above). But I'm looking forward to veggie-filled soups and at least making an attempt to get into a bit better shape before our cruise in February. I know that is pretty unrealistic in the season of gingerbread and candy canes, but it can't hurt to try, right?
This song has very little to do with all the crap I rambled about above, but I am so in love with it, and am enjoying the whole album. I'm really connecting with this tune lately and decided I should share it for that reason alone. It's Mavis Staples and Jeff Tweedy performing "You Are Not Alone", from the album of the same name.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Dirt Farmer
This week has been packed with work, school, and CONAN! We had a premiere party Monday with some friends which was tons of fun, but the best is that every night I get to watch Conan before I go to bed. It's like my life is finally back to normal!
Tonight Josh and I are going to see my all-time favorite drummer, Levon Helm. I'm super excited! Here's a video of Levon on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Like how I worked both bits of this post into one clip? :)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wow, I haven't updated at all this week. I've been busy with field trips, voting, keeping Josh and I fed, belated grocery shopping, and the past weekend was full of Halloween parties. I got an A on my second English paper, a 95 on my Math test, and I'm impatiently awaiting the grade for my second History Essay, so all is going smoothly with school. Tonight I'm going out for tacos with the girls, and most of this weekend will be spent cleaning house. Conan returns to TV Monday night, and we'll be hosting a dozen or so friends to watch the premier. So excited to be able to see my favorite funny fella on my television again!
In other news, in a short two weeks they are opening an Anthropologie store across the street from my office. Look for my declaration of bankruptcy about two weeks after that, ha. They are also bringing an H&M to the area, but it will be in Dallas so it's not as much of a threat to my financial stability. Such pretty things will soon be so closely within my reach. Well, of my hands. Not so much of my pocketbook. ;)