Well, I survived my first day of school. My English Comp I class should be pretty good. We'll be focusing on writing about popular media, so it's nice that it has a connection, if ever so stretched, to what I'd like to major in- Radio, TV & Film. And the professor bears what I call a "bargain basement" resemblance to Colin Firth, so I should be able to stay focused. History, there's a lot of class participation which I'm not crazy about. Debates and the like, along with a service project and field trips. I get embarrassed having to speak in front of people, but I need to remind myself I'm there for me, not them- so who gives a crap what they think, right? Easier typed than done, ha. And then there's math. Algebra to be exact. The regular kind, cause I have to relearn it. Oy vey. I am not a fan of math, particularly Algebra. As soon as a big jumble of letters and numbers are written on the board, my mind just becomes foggy. I can never remember what to do first. Or next. Or last, for that matter. But I keep trying to re-frame it in my mind. Every time I say to myself "I hate math!", I adjust it to "I don't like math.", and then eventually I'll shift that to "I like math." And once we get there we'll consider it a miracle. Gotta hit from every angle. I'm hoping my decent writing skills will get me through the first two classes without too much of a struggle, so I can really put the effort into math that it's going to require.
But, the important part is I survived! Day one, at least, ha.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Never Lacking in Ideas
As I have previously mentioned, I have a knack for mentally starting a new project before I've even really gotten under way on my current one. So, naturally, as I start school next Tuesday I have spent a good part of today thinking about redecorating my bathroom. I tell you, a dreamer's job is never done.
*Please note this bathroom is not my bathroom, and has barely anything in common with my bathroom. Other than, you know, a toilet and a bathtub. Photo here.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Weekend Roundup
Yesterday was all around sucky. My practice driving was stressful and started my day off poorly. Only one of my school books was available to rent, and one I had to buy new, so that cost more than I was hoping it would. I got a lot of paper cuts while reorganizing the file room at work. I got home and the cat felt like it was his duty to harass me, and then claw me. Then I sliced my finger while chopping onion. My Arrabiata sauce wouldn't stop splattering the stove top. Overall it was real Monday-Monday. So I didn't get around to doing the weekend roundup yesterday.
-Wake up around 4 to say goodbye to Josh, have trouble falling back asleep
-Sleep in a little bit, get ready
-Work, yuck
-Elliptical time
-Burrito, chips & salsa for dinner
-Watch some Andy Barker P.I. while Skyping with Conan friends
-Hit the hay
-Sleep way in
-Bowl of cereal, accompanied by sudden nose bleed (wtf?)
-Lots and lots of house cleaning
-A little TV time
-Get dinner snacks ready
-Josh gets home from Kalamazoo
-Watch Batman while having cheese, crackers, chips & jalapeno poppers
-A little more TV
-Hit the hay
-Sleep in
-Cinnamon Oat pancakes and fruit smoothies
-Tidy my office
-Make meal plan and grocery list
-Grocery shopping
-Fancy sandwiches for dinner
-Finish laundry
-A little reading
Friday, August 20, 2010
More Cowbell
Josh left for the airport very early this morning. He's in Kalamazoo, Michigan with Back In Black. They're opening for Blue Oyster Cult. Which I think pretty much obligates me to post this video today. :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Weekend Roundup
-Rise and shine
-Check in and free breakfast
-Long morning at school orientation
-Lunch with new friend Danielle
-Campus tour
-Team building activities
-Done for the day
-Get the very, very sad news about beautiful little Margot passing
-Head home
-Lay around until Josh gets home
-Grab some Taco Cabana and chow down
-Crash on the couch and watch some Make 'Em Laugh
-Head to bed early after a long day
-Up early
-Shower and get ready
-Head to Steph's house
-Head to Carraba's in Plano for Foodbuzz Tastemakers event
-Lots and lots of yummy free food
-Back to Steph & Rodney's for a little bit
-Home, immediately change out of sweat drenched clothes, blech
-Crawl into cool bed to and spend most of the afternoon/evening reading magazines and watching HGTV
-Read over the brochuers, pamphlets, and handouts I got at school orientation
-Some Team Coco Skype chat late into the evening
-Josh gets home from Fate Lions
-Sleep in
-Work on menu plan and grocery list in bed
-See Josh off to help his dad w/ a fallen tree at their house
-Chips & salsa for lunch
-Watch entire Faces of America series on PBS
-Pop a cheater's peach tart in the oven
-Get ready
-Josh get's home w/ the elliptical I'm borrowing from my bro
-Return his dad's truck after removing the elliptical
-Grocery shopping
-Fancy sandwiches for dinner
-Pick up my prescription at Walgreens
-Peach tart and ice cream for dessert
-Watch an old episode of Jools Holland
-Hit the hay
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Bad Blogger
Oof, I've been a bad blogger lately. I guess I've just been preoccupied with other things. I did end up going shopping this past weekend, but did not end up walking out with those shoes or the plaid top. I did get the chambray shirt though, along with a corduroy vest and a $19 pair of jeans. Not too bad, I guess.
Tonight I get to leave work a bit early so Josh and I can get to Dallas for the Telegraph Canyon/Built To Spill show. It's the Granada Theater's 6th anniversary and they invited a bunch of local bands/music scene people for free. And I mean FREE- free entry, open bar for the hour before the show, free food, and a couple of drink tickets for during the show. Very excited!
Friday I've got an all-day orientation at school. Feeling a little awkward about it. I still feel a bit like a character from 21 Jump Street, as if my youthful looks are merely a tool for my nearly 30 year old self to get the inside scoop. Except I don't want the inside scoop. I just don't want the cool kids to make fun of me, and I think I'll be fine from there. (Are there cool kids at a community college? Besides the ones in that TV show, I mean.)
And Saturday me and my bestie Steph get to go to an event at a Carraba's in Plano, thanks to Foodbuzz. We'll get the inside scoop on their kitchen, recipes, stuff like that I guess. And some yummy food, for free.
Actually, now that I think about it, I get a free lunch at orientation too. Free food seems to be the theme of this week! And insides scoops, since I've used that phrase twice in this post, ha.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Back To School Shopping
I technically don't need much more than my textbooks and a big notepad. Lord knows I've got plenty of pens, notecards, highlighters, and such around my house. But that doesn't stop the intense urge to do some back to school CLOTHES shopping. Realitiscally is doesn't stop the urge to buy a bunch of pretty highlighters either, but I can manage to deny those urges. I'm really liking these items at Old Navy. I might have to stop in and pick up the chambray shirt. I've been dying for a J. Crew one, which would probably be a bit nicer than the ON version, but at a quarter the cost I think I can live with a little less quality. :)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Weekend Roundup
I had a busy and yet lazy weekend. Two great music shows made it a lot of fun. Yesterday was very busy at work and home however, so I didn't get a chance to post. Quick synopsis of my weekend:
-Shower and get ready
-Load in at The Cellar
-Dinner at Fuzzy's Tacos with Niki & Veronica
-Calhoun show at The Moon with Holly
-Back to The Cellar for Fate Lions
-Home to bed
-Sleep in
-Watch Girl With a Pearl Earring
-Shower and get ready
-Head to The Kessler Theater
-Load in, a lot of waiting through soundchecks
-Some Holga shooting
-Opening act/The O's/Sunward/James Hall & Futura Bold show
-Hang with Holly and loads of other peeps who came out for the show
-Grab Jack In The Box on the way home, eat
-Crash into bed
-Sleep way in
-Menu planning and grocery listing
-Chinese food and some TV in bed
-Get ready
-Start laundry
-Grocery shopping
-Unload cargo
-Eat sandwich, olives, chips & salsa for dinner
-Finish up laundry
-Hit the hay