Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Roundup

-Work, yuck
-Unwind a bit
-Get ready
-Eat dinner
-Listen to Fate Lions practice in my living room
-Finish getting ready
-Head to Lola's for Fate Lions and Salim show
-Hang out with Leah and friend
-Good show, great music, fun night
-Head home
-Hit the hay

-Rise and shine
-Make French toast- finally doing some chewing!
-Apply for passport
-Head back home for Josh's coffee break
-Peruse Kimbell Art Museum's permanent collection
-Take photos around outside of museum
-Lunch at Chili's
-Home to brush and rinse
-Hulen mall for shopping
-Try on 30 pairs of pants, buy 2
-Go home, call Holly to bemoan my defeat
-Work on menu plan and grocery list

-Get ready
-Finish grocery list
-Watch TV while waiting for Holly
-Shopping with Holly
-More pants, more failure
-Back out for grocery shopping
-Watch WKRP rerun and eat shells & cheese
-Watch Al Franken documentary while tidying bedroom
-Finish up Newsweek issue
-More reading
-Try to fall asleep