Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Roundup

Really all I did this weekend was paint. Thursday I spent all day priming the office and living room walls. Friday I slept in a little bit from exhaustion and painted the living room, with Josh helping on the last 2/3 of the second coat. Saturday we primed the built-in, me finishing it up and doing one side of the doors and shelves since Josh had to leave for his Fate Lions show. I also got the first coat of paint up in my office that night. Yesterday I did laundry, made some closet adjustments and put the second coat on my office while Josh primed the other side of the shelves and doors and put the first coat of paint on the built-in. Saturday Josh's mom and brother were kind enough to come by to see the house and bring us some good food. If there's a holiday with a theme Deana is happy to celebrate it so she came bearing homemade soda bread, corned beef and bread pudding with apples for St. Patrick's Day. It was delicious, especially since we've hardly had a home-cooked meal lately. The yellow in my office is a bit stronger than I was expecting, but it's good. The white for the built-in is not as close a match to the crown molding as we thought, but that's just too bad. As I told Holly I'd rather gouge my eyes out with knitting needles soaked in acid than start over on that beast. We just have to finish the built-in and then prime and paint the bedroom (which unfortunately also involves dismantling the closets to some extent). I keep saying that we aren't going to paint the bedroom, but then Josh says we are knowing that I really do want it painted I just don't want to lift another roller or brush. All of me hurts. My knees are various shades of red, purple, yellow and green. And the fleshy part of my hand between my thumb and index finger is actually swollen from so much painting. Or it has become very muscular, I guess that could be another possibility. Either way, it all hurts.


Olivia Carter said...

Ewww... painting can be so fun & so horrible all at once!