Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekend Roundup

-Sleep in and have snow day with Josh
-Eat breakfast and coffee
-Do dishes
-Clean kitchen
-Clean bathroom counters
-Read blogs
-Make plans with Holly
-Eat leftover Chipotle
-Make grocery list
-Go grocery shopping
-Unload cargo and start on dinner
-Make Sausage, Pepper & Onion Sandwiches with Oven Frites
-Eat and watch Arrested Development
-Hang out with Josh
-Hit the hay

-Wake up
-Have cereal and coffee
-Reload iPod shuffle
-Get dressed
-Go for walk around the neighborhood
-Make second yogurt cake
-Post blog entry
-See Josh off on his day of recording
-Work on financial planning
-Get cake out of oven
-Welcome Holly
-Wait for bro to drop off gifts from trip
-Head to Fuzzy's to grab lunch
-Back home to eat and watch Bridget Jones's Diary
-Follow up with Bridget Jones 2
-Welcome Josh home
-Have some cake
-Watch some 30 Rock episodes and have pizza
-See Holly off
-Watch a little over half of Valmont- what a Colin Firth day!
-Go to bed

-Oversleep, especially due to daylight savings
-Have cereal, coffee, and two clementines
-Read photography lesson
-Get dressed and go for neighborhood walk
-Run to Central Market for couple items
-Read Newsweek and eat leftover pizza
-Have some cake
-Work on taxes in bedroom while watching HGTV
-Give up on taxes
-Make dinner- vegetable enchiladas, mmmm
-Eat and watch TV
-More TV and dry hair
-Climb in bed and read a bit