Monday, July 16, 2007

Weekend Roundup

-Wash everything- nine loads of laundry is a lot!
-Tidy up
-Watch What Not To Wear marathon
-Research foods Josh can eat with his super-bad acid reflux
-Go to Circuit City for Josh's new toy
-Hit the grocery store to grab some dinner
-Hang out with Joshy
-Play Sims while Josh plays with new toy

-Mis-read clock and think I got up 2 hours earlier than I did
-Make grocery list
-Grocery shop
-Head to Rob & LeAnn's for movie party
-Have a great time with everyone
-head home and hit the hay

-Make blueberry muffins
-Play Sims
-Put up laundry on drying rack
-Play more Sims- I'm addicted!
-Watch TV with Josh
-Go sleepies
-Be kept up most of the night by that darn cat!