Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Garden Party

I'll be leaving work shortly and I'll be stopping by Lowe's before heading home. I've decided the time has come for me to start my plans for growing some herbs and veggies before we get too far into the season. Of course I would decide the time to do this is the week/weekend before we're throwing a party. A party which I will fill you in later, but I have done almost no real work on, aside from jotting down my to-do list. Luckily it's gonna be a loosey-goosey sort of hang out, but with my penchant for planning everything down to the last, itty-bitty detail I'll still manage to make it a monumental task.

Lowe's has some fruit and vegetable plants on sale and I already needed to go by there to look for some larger pavers to support our rain barrel. Hoping I'll find some decent tomato, pepper, and strawberry plants on sale. Oh, and some basil. My life just might be complete if I can manage to not kill some basil. Okay, maybe not complete, but certainly slightly more delicious. The list of projects inside the house has certainly not gotten that much smaller, but it's just the time of year when your mind wanders to the outdoors, isn't it?

Photo from Real Simple


Olivia Carter said...

Yeah gardening! WOOT!

Rachel Elizabeth said...

I'm going to be doing this too. Perhaps next weekend.