Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday ConeZone #11

Guys, I have to tell you that I am very excited. I know it's still 5 weeks until I get to MEET CONAN, but the tour starts on Monday in Eugene, Oregon. I am so excited to see what kind of tidbits and behind the scene videos Aaron Bleyaert will be sharing on once the tour kicks off. I am so excited for Conan to get out there and feel the love from his fans in person. And I'm so excited that the sooner the tour starts the sooner he'll be here for the Dallas gig! In honor of being on the road, I thought today I'd post a remote from his trip to San Francisco a few years back. He did a week of shows there and took a little trip to visit Intel, who underwrote the show being in California. Enjoy!


Olivia Carter said...

I totally remember this episode! ha! Thanks for the laugh!

Holly said...

Man, I love his remote bits. Always amazing.