Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekend Roundup

-Work, yuck
-Home to get ready
-Jason meets us at the house
-Head out to Dallas, make the boys listen to Dawes on the way
-Load in at The Cavern
-Hang out, meet Neff, good music and drinks
-Talk with some of Josh's Southpeak boys
-Hit he road, after a pit stop for gas and pringles
-Home, de-club myself
-Pretzels, chips & salsa while watching some Simpsons
-Hit the hay

-Sleep in, intermittently dozing while waiting for Craigslister to pick up a lamp
-Errands for Mom's birthday present
-Fish and chips for lunch
-Catch up on some dvr'd Rick Bayless and peruse my new MS Living issue
-Help Josh in the garage, get some photos of the old tv stand
-Get ready
-Head up to meet the guys at The Moon
-Grab some Fuzzy's Tacos with Niki
-Back to The Moon for Tony's solo show, awesome second band, and then Fate Lions
-Visit with Mel, Brian, Niki & Veronica for awhile
-Head home
-Get ready for bed
-Chips & salsa w/ some more Simpsons

-Sleep in
-Try to do some menu planning, but still so tired
-Doze for another hour or so
-Grab some food
-Do some real menu and grocery planning
-Put entertainment center on craigslist
-Get ready
-Grocery shopping
-Put everything up
-Start laundry
-Spinach & Feta pizza for dinner
-TV while finishing up some computer stuff
-Finish laundry
-Snooze time