Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekend Roundup

-Work a couple hours in the morning
-Eye doc for my glaucoma test, early glaucoma seems to be the diagnosis
-Back to work for the rest of the day
-Home, wait while Josh mows the yard and gets cleaned up
-Borders for the TIME 2010 100 people issue, Conan's #2 in the "Artists" category!
-Dinner at Blue Mesa
-Target for some ice cream
-Home for the evening
-Horrible eye drops

-Sleep in
-Clean house and do lots and lots of laundry
-Josh leaves for rehearsal
-Chips, dip and The Bank Dick
-Finish up laundry and play a little Glee catch up
-Get Josh to download the Immaculate Collection after watching the Madonna episode
-Terrible eye drops

-Sleep in
-Coffee while getting ready
-Quick grocery shopping
-Head to Rob & LeAnn's to visit and see little Violet
-Hang out and catch up
-Watch 60 Minutes with Conan on their giant projector screen, awesome!
-Say adios and head home
-Quick bike ride around the neighborhood with Josh, I'm doing better!
-Chips and dip and My Little Chickadee
-Awful eye drops
-Hit the hay