Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weekend Roundup

-Decide to stay home, sleep in
-Turn on the Christmas tunes and get to work
-Clean dining room ceiling fan, sweep cobwebs from ceiling & corners
-Clean off table
-Put up new silverware till have new cutlery tray
-Plan Christmas morning buffet arrangement
-Clean kitchen
-Drop off electric bill and work order for closet leak
-Organize Christmas gifts (all thirty-odd) into their to-be-wrapped packaging
-Clean bathroom
-Tidy living room
-Put out porch decorations
-Organize Goodwill donations
-Finish tidying up as much as possible with closet contents everywhere
-Blog reading
-Wait for Josh to get home
-Make dinner & eat
-Get ready
-Holly arrives to do some improvements on me
-Get awesome gift from Holly! Thank you!
-Watch TV with Josh before heading out
-Calhoun show with tons of people
-Head home
-Crash into bed

-Oversleep way too much
-Toast and coffee
-Make week's menu and grocery list
-Get ready
-Head to Dallas
-Dinner at Cafe Brazil
-Crazy detour to pick up iPod, then decide against it
-Sunward set
-Load-up and head home

-Up early
-House hunting
-Grilled cheese and soup for lunch
-Grocery shopping
-Unload the cargo
-Bake chicken for recipe later in the week
-Make muffins for Christmas brunch try-out
-Prep salad and veggies
-Make pizza for dinner
-Eat and finish episode of What Not To Wear
-Catch Barry Manilow on Graham Norton, love him!
-Make cookie cottages with Josh
-Tidy up


kristen said...

That was an incredibly productive Friday! Color me impressed!