Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend Roundup

Whew! Got a lot done, and still so much left to do!

-Grab some Chipotle
-Watch the new 30 Rock episode
-Finish next week's menu plan
-Play a little Sims 2
-Hit the hay

-Rise and shine
-Cereal and coffee
-Tune into NPR
-Clean the windows, remove dining room and bedroom curtains
-Put up clean laundry
-Scrub the bathtub and tile
-Clean toilet
-Clean mirror, counter top, and scrub sink
-Clean catbox
-Sweep bathroom floor
-Dust bedroom and living room
-Clean coffee table
-Break for Chipotle leftovers
-Clean kitchen counters
-Scrub cutting board
-Scrub kitchen sink
-Clean kitchen drains with boiling water, baking soda, and vinegar
-Make apple crumb coffee cake
-Sweep kitchen
-Purge a bit from hall closet
-Watch dvr'd Everyday Food & Baking
-Josh got home and made dinner for us
-Watch some of Pete Seeger American Experience
-Call Steph, wake Josh up, and head over for birthday hang out
-Head home super late
-Head to pillow

-Coffee and coffee cake for breakfast
-Finish grocery list
-Grocery shopping at Target & Central Market
-Unload cargo
-Start laundry: bath rug, towels, curtains, sheets, sofa blanket & delicates
-Lunch: delicious tomato, mozzarella & basil swch with strawberries and grapes
-Watch Sense & Sensibility and Blue Skies while doing ironing and finishing laundry
-Sonic for dinner


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! You got SOOO much done!! Great job! I am quite jealous! :)