Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekend Roundup- Thanksgiving Edition

-Sleep in
-Clean and prep veggies for family dinner
-Composting- my compost pile GREW three scallions!
-Bake cheesecake cookies
-Finish baking cookies
-Get ready
-Head to Uncle Richard & Aunt Noreen's
-Visit with family, eat, play Trivial Pursuit late into the night
-Home and into bed

-Sleep in
-Photo class
-A little online Christmas shopping
-Leftover pizza for lunch
-A little TV
-Shower and get ready
-Bake rolls
-Play some Beatles Rock Band
-Head to Mom-in-law's
-Thanksgiving dinner, numero tres
-Watch Clue
-Pack up some leftovers and head home
-Hit the hay

-Rise and shine
-Get ready
-Self-portrait shooting for photo class
-See Josh off to San Antonio for gig
-Cereal and coffee
-Christmas and personal shopping with Holly
-Back home and into PJs
-Watch Christmas Vacation and half of White Christmas while working on gift-giving list and household budget
-Woken up by horrible cramps, blech

-Sleep in super late after terrible night of sleep
-Start laundry
-Start house cleaning
-Josh home from SA
-Order Chinese delivery
-Eat and watch Simpsons
-Make grocery list for Josh
-Finish house cleaning while Josh gets groceries
-Play some Jeopardy on PS3 while folding laundry
-Finish laundry and ironing while watching Christmas Vacation (yes, again)
-Some sodoku on iPhone
-Sleepsville, thanks to benadryl