Monday, July 21, 2008

Weekend Roundup

-Work, yuck
-Home to tidy up
-Discuss dance moves with Josh
-Make dinner & eat
-Veg out while the Fate Lions boys practice in the living room
-Send the boys off
-Watch What Not to Wear and Most Haunted episodes while entering 6 months of bank transactions into Money
-Josh comes home
-Hit the hay

-Rise & shine
-Coffee & toast
-Balance all accounts in Money while watching Take the Money and Run
-Watch a couple episodes of American Experience while tearing articles to keep out of Real Simples and having lunch
-Get ready
-Rod & Steph come by to hang out before dinner
-Dinner at Fuzzy's
-Deedle's show at The Moon
-Back to apartment for more hanging out, including Holly

-Up early
-Get ready
-Head to Movie Tavern for first showing of The Dark Knight
-Followed by Mamma Mia!- I want to see it again already!
-Grocery shopping right after movies
-Unload and put everything up
-Veg on the couch for 30 minutes
-See Josh off to recording studio
-Clean and prep two heads of lettuce, 2.5 lbs. of carrots, and lunch for today
-Clean kitchen
-Dinner of chips & salsa while watching part 2 of Pride & Prejudice
-Sort socks and tidy bookshelf cubbies
-Finish rest of movie laying on bed
-Josh home
-Read a little bit