Monday, November 19, 2007

Weekend Roundup

-Work, blech
-Run to Target for gifts
-Get haircut
-Gather things and head to Steph & Rodney's
-Eat Chipotle with the DeMeglios
-Grocery shop
-Prepare Italian lasagna while Steph makes Mexican lasagna
-Put together birthday banner
-Organize dishes for party buffet
-Play Guitar Hero III
-Go to bed

-Up early
-Head to Party City for balloons
-Wash and chop lettuce for salad
-Bake the lasagnas
-Finish getting ready
-Play with Rylee
-Cut the lasagnas just in time
-Celebrate Rylee's 2nd birthday!
-Hang out with everyone afterwards
-Play more Guitar Hero III
-Gab with the girls over beer and pizza
-Play with Hannah, Miles, and Rylee
-Head home and get some shut eye

-Up kind of early
-Get ready and run to Target for new hair dryer and Thanksgiving supplies
-Take old dining room table out to dumpster
-Eat sandwich, yum
-Dry and straighten hair
-Make roasted zucchini w/ thyme and garlic-roasted asparagus
-Clean up the ramekins that came crashing down from the cabinet
-Fix Kim & Alec's present very quickly
-Get asparagus out the oven and get out the door
-Have a great evening at the Pop-in-law's, eating turkey, dressing, green beans, zucchini, asparagus, and pumpkin pie.
-Get home and empty the dishwasher while dancing around to Dean Martin
-Put up a post at Small Time Cooks
-Order sis-in-law's Christmas gift
-Hit the hay


love.boxes said...

Sounds like a great weekend! I like the Dino part. He's my favorite!

Jenny said...

I love hearing what you get done on the weekends. Totally impresses me to no end. I hope you're feeling better!

kelly said...

as always you are inspiring. thanks for the plug & i love that you scheduled guitar hero!