Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekend Roundup

I am actually feeling a little closer to death today. Headache, FM aches and pains, and the fact that I slept horribly are making this a very rough Monday indeed. Here's what this weekend looked like at Casa de Hoovers.

-Say goodbye to Josh, off to Cleveland
-Work, yuck
-World Market and Central Market after work
-Elliptical workout
-Salad and half a sandwich for dinner
-History homework
-Get ready for bed
-4 episodes of The Bob Newhart Show

-Sleep way in
-Coffee in bed w/ 4 more Newhart episodes
-Spend hours revamping Small Time Cooks, go take a look please!
-Josh gets home from Cleveland
-Skype with Daniel to finish the last of the blog updating
-Grab some Sonic for dinner
-Eat and watch a Simpsons episode with Josh
-A little more TV

-Sleep in
-Coffee and juice
-House cleaning
-Cheese toast
-Make grocery list and menu plan
-Bowl of cereal
-Some television while Josh mows the lawns
-Grocery shopping
-Pizza for dinner while watching a PBS Ed Sullivan special
-Hit the hay