Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend Roundup

-Sleep in
-Clean house
-Coffee, reading and lunch out on the deck to enjoy the nice day
-More reading indoors
-Play some Beatles Rock Band
-Josh gets home from work
-Warm spinach salad w/ potato, mushroom and egg for dinner, individual apple crisps for dessert
-Play drums with Josh
-Watch Conan's last Tonight Show, cry my eyes out
-Fall asleep watching Marx Bros. movie

-Sleep in
-Breakfast and coffee
-Spend most of the rainy day reading
-Chipotle for early dinner
-Watch old Conan clips, more reading
-Holly comes over to watch a movie, Marx Bros. Animal Crackers
-Convince Josh we NEED Sonic blasts
-Eat our ice creamy treats while watching Kids In The Hall
-Hit the hay

-Sleep in
-Take a walk, get harrassed by miniature schnauzer
-Coffee, menu planning, grocery listing
-Get ready
-Grocery shopping
-Clean and prep veggies for the week
-Watch first half of Cranford from Netflix
-Egg & cheese sandwiches and roasted potatoes for dinner
-Watch second half of Cranford on the DVR
-Get ready for bed
-Fall asleep watching Arrested Development