Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekend Roundup

-Work, yuck
-Get a raise, yay
-Head home early
-Get ready
-Make dinner
-Get picked up by Jason and head to Niki's
-Meet the rest of the band and head to Dallas
-Load in and wait around
-Enjoy The Nasty Rumors and The Fate Lions
-Head back to Niki's
-Head home
-Snack on tortillas chips
-Crash in bed

-Tune into NPR
-Work on money software
-Eat lunch
-Work on menu plan
-Run to store for flour
-Make graham cracker dough
-Quick hot dog for snack
-Get ready
-Head to The Moon to load in
-Fuzzy's for delicious tacos
-Meet up with Holly
-Again enjoy The Nasty Rumors and Fate Lions
-Say adios to everyone and head home
-Fall asleep watching Stranger Than Fiction

-Cereal for breakfast
-Catch up on a few dvr'd shows
-Finish menu and grocery list
-Grocery shopping
-Unload the cargo
-Prep lettuces, spinach, carrots, and celery
-Finish graham crackers
-Tidy kitchen
-Head to Mom-in-law's for dinner
-Enjoy good meal and pleasant company
-Head home
-Hit the hay


Anonymous said...

YAY! Congrats on the raise!!