Thursday, May 29, 2008


Marta shared a meme that made me feel like sharing too. So I did.

5 things on my to-do list today:
- make dinner.
- pilates.
- read more ansel adams.
- put up clean laundry.
- call about tickets for sunday.

5 things on my lifelong to-do list:
- learn french.
- be a good wife.
- learn photography.
- travel as much as possible.
- share my family history.

Sweets I enjoy:
chocolate glazed donuts. chocolate cake. cheesecake. chocolate chip cookies. sour patch kids. pumpkin bread. milkshakes. haribos.

Last three books I read:
- in defense of food michael pollan.
- woody: movies in manhattan julian fox.
- sense and sensibility jane austen.

Last three movies I've watched:
- top hat.
- hannah and her sisters.
- manhattan murder mystery.

Places I have lived:
- home, fort worth tx.


love.boxes said...

Fun to know.. Have a great weekend Jess!