Monday, October 29, 2007

Weekend Roundup

I have no idea why I hadn't updated since last Tuesday. I guess I must have been busy, but I couldn't guess what the heck I was busy with.

-Sleep in a smidge
-Breakfast while cruising some blogs
-Wash bedding and delicates
-Clean bedroom
-Make bed
-Dismantle vacuum in search of strange noise
-Put it back together, strange noise gone though I really did nothing
-Clean kitchen counters
-Unload dishwasher & run with white vinegar
-Scrub cutting board & sinks
-Vacuum living room
-Welcome Josh home
-Head to thrift store, Target, and Walgreens to get costume finishing touches
-Hit Chick-fil-a for a quick dinner
-Eat at home
-Catch up on Ugly Betty episodes while working on home filing
-Wait up for Josh to get home from errands
-Head to bed

-Get up and have some breakfast
-Watch some of my PBS shows
-See Josh off to Rock School rehearsals
-Make some pumpkin bread
-Take a shower
-Iron costume clothes and work shirts
-Eat some dinner
-Start getting ready for party
-Stop at store for party supplies
-Have good times with old and new friends
-Head home pretty darn late
-Munch on some tortilla chips and pumpkin bread
-Hit the hay

-Sleep in, of course
-Grab some lunchtime grub
-Catch up on dvr'd shows
-Read some Newsweek
-Work on recipe ideas and menu plan
-Make pizza with Josh
-Eat and watch Mystery Science Theater 3000- The Killer Shrews
-Shower and dry hair
-Read some more Dorothy Draper brilliance in bed
-Attempt tp get some sleep
-Wake up repeatedly cause dumb Aunt Flo is punching me in my uterus


Holly said...

Oh, how I hope you still have pumpkin bread on Thursday.