Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weekend Roundup

Yesterday was all around sucky. My practice driving was stressful and started my day off poorly. Only one of my school books was available to rent, and one I had to buy new, so that cost more than I was hoping it would. I got a lot of paper cuts while reorganizing the file room at work. I got home and the cat felt like it was his duty to harass me, and then claw me. Then I sliced my finger while chopping onion. My Arrabiata sauce wouldn't stop splattering the stove top. Overall it was real Monday-Monday. So I didn't get around to doing the weekend roundup yesterday.

-Wake up around 4 to say goodbye to Josh, have trouble falling back asleep
-Sleep in a little bit, get ready
-Work, yuck
-Elliptical time
-Burrito, chips & salsa for dinner
-Watch some Andy Barker P.I. while Skyping with Conan friends
-Hit the hay

-Sleep way in
-Bowl of cereal, accompanied by sudden nose bleed (wtf?)
-Lots and lots of house cleaning
-A little TV time
-Get dinner snacks ready
-Josh gets home from Kalamazoo
-Watch Batman while having cheese, crackers, chips & jalapeno poppers
-A little more TV
-Hit the hay

-Sleep in
-Cinnamon Oat pancakes and fruit smoothies
-Tidy my office
-Make meal plan and grocery list
-Grocery shopping
-Fancy sandwiches for dinner
-Finish laundry
-A little reading