Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back in The Land of the Living

Oh boy. I have been so sick, y'all. Like, pretty much dead since last Tuesday. I had a mega-cold. A cold like I hadn't had for quite some time. It really knocked me for a loop, but I'm feeling much better now. Still have a cough and some congestion remains, but nothing like the past week. I blame my poor eating habits as of late. The foot injury brought on a lot of convenience foods. And I'd already been a bit lazy in the kitchen as of late. This week I've been trying to get my immune system back in order. Lots and lots of fresh fruit and veg. Salads for dinner this week. Yesterday I had a homemade salad/salsa comprised of black beans, red/yellow/orange bell peppers, and an onion for lunch with some tortilla chips, then a big salad for dinner chocked full of bell peppers, onion, zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes and cucumber. I followed it with a few strawberries, a big wedge of watermelon, and half a banana. The other half went into a smoothie I had with my fruit, along with a handful of spinach, 3/4 cup of oj, and a cup of frozen pineapple. It comes out green, but it tastes like pineapple- fun! If I keep it up I should be back in virus fighting shape in no time. And who knows, I might just drop the couple pounds I gained during my gimpy weeks too!